sheerpower String Functions -- Optimized for Business Applications
sheerpower includes many ways to search strings and compare them.
Like all other string functions, they are highly optimized.
Importance in Business Applications:
CRM Systems:
Accurate and quick matching of customer names, addresses, or other
text-based data is essential for maintaining a seamless user experience.
Optimized functions like COMPARE(), MATCH(),
and POS() allow businesses to:
Swiftly identify and reconcile discrepancies in data entries.
Reduce the chances of errors in customer records.
Financial Applications:
In financial systems, where transaction data needs to be processed
rapidly, optimized string comparison functions help:
Reduce the time required to validate transactions against
business rules.
Ensure smooth business operations without delays,
leading to efficient processes and higher customer satisfaction.
Data Analytics:
In data analytics, where vast amounts of text data might need to be
processed, the efficiency of sheerpower's string functions is critical:
Enable quicker and more complex text analysis, such as pattern
recognition or data mining.
Lead to faster insights and more timely decision-making.
These highly optimized string functions in sheerpower are essential for
reliable, scalable, and efficient processing of text-based data,
critical to many business operations.
String Comparing and Searching Functions
The COMPARE() function compares two strings
and returns a numeric value ranging from 0 (no match) to 100
(an exact match).
options$ = 'LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN'
best = 0
best$ = ''
input 'Enter an option', default 'DOWM': usr_opt$
for idx = 1 to elements(options$)
opt$ = element$(options$, idx)
score = compare(opt$, usr_opt$)
if score > best then
best = score
best$ = opt$
end if
next idx
select case best
case 0
print 'Unknown option: '; usr_opt$
case 100
print 'Option okay, it was: '; usr_opt$
case else
print 'Misspelled option: '; usr_opt$
print using 'Did you mean ? (## percent)': best$, best
end select
Output: Did you mean DOWN (94 percent)
The ITEM() function returns the number of the
first item that matches the whole or partial item name given.
A negative number is returned if more than one item matches.
Example: z = item('ADD,EXIT,EXTRACT,MODIFY', 'MOD')
Output: 4 z = item('ADD,EXIT,EXTRACT,MODIFY', 'EX')
Output: -2
The MATCH() function compares str_expr2 with
each of the elements in str_expr1 and returns the number of
the element that matches. The TRUE parameter is used if the
match is to be case-exact. The default is case-insensitive.
Example: a$ = 'BLUE' b$ = 'Blue' c$ = a$ do x = match('Red,White,Blue', c$, true) print c$; if x > 0 then print ' is a match.' else print ' is not a match.' c$ = b$ repeat do end if end do
Output: Blue is a match.
The PATTERN() function matches characters in
str_expr1 against a pattern specified by
str_expr2. It returns the position of the first character in
str_expr1 that matches the pattern. If no match is found, it
returns zero.
Pattern Options:
? - Matches any single character.
if pattern('The quick brown fox', 'f?x') > 0 then
print 'Found'
end if
Output: Found
* - Matches one or more of the preceding character,
or zero or more with double asterisks.
if pattern('aaa 01/26/99', 'a* *01/26/99') > 0 then
print 'The date is found'
end if
Output: The date is found
{} - Defines a group of characters. Can include ranges
(e.g., {a-z}) or individual characters.
text$ = 'A1N5V7N0'
rule_str$ = '{A-Z}{0-9}{A-Z}{0-9}{A-Z}{0-9}{A-Z}{0-9}'
if pattern(text$, rule_str$) > 0 then
print "Driver's license is correct."
end if
Output: Driver's license is correct
{^} - Matches characters that are NOT in the specified
print pattern('Mary J. Smith', '{^Mar}')
print pattern('Mary J. Smith', 'J. {^S}')
print pattern('Mary J. Smith', 'J. S?')
~ - Matches a character pattern that stands for
text$ = '$4,670.00'
if pattern(text$, '$~4,670.00') > 0 then
print 'Your text is correct.'
end if
Output: Your text is correct
{|nnn,nnn,nnn|} - Matches binary data. Useful for
detecting non-printable text characters.
text$ = 'Help yourself to some ' + chr$(13) + 'food'
if pattern(text$, '{|13|}') > 0 then
print 'Carriage return found.'
end if
Output: Carriage return found
{} - Matches text in str_expr1
against enclosed groups.
text$ = 'The area code is 619'
if pattern(text$, 'is {<619|714|916>}') > 0 then
print 'Your area code is on the list.'
end if
Output: Your area code is on the list
{(word_text)} - Matches a word or phrase.
a$ = 'There are dogs and cats in the house.'
b$ = 'Everyone would like to make big$bucks!'
if pattern(a$, '{(cats)}') > 0 then
print 'The word was found.'
end if
if pattern(b$, '{(big$bucks)}') > 0 then
print 'The $ word was found.'
end if
The word was found.
The $ word was found.
{|directive|} - Directives can be used to modify the
search behavior (e.g., case-insensitive, beginning or end of a line).
a$ = 'ElEpHaNtS have trunks'
b$ = 'water goes splash'
if pattern(a$, '{|bol|}{|nocase|}elephants') > 0 then
print 'elephants was found.'
end if
if pattern(b$, 'splash{|eol|}') > 0 then
print 'splash was found.'
end if
elephants was found.
splash was found.
The POS() function searches for a substring within a string
and returns the position of the first character of the substring. If the
substring is not found, the function returns zero.
If int_expr is provided and is positive, the search starts at
the int_expr position from the left. If int_expr
is negative, the search is performed from right to left, beginning at the
-int_expr position.
text$ = "Hello and goodbye" andpos = pos(text$, 'and') if andpos > 0 then print 'AND found at position'; andpos
Output: AND found at position 7
Arguments: text_str (required): The text to operate on.
expr_str: The regular expression search with.
Example: print regexsearch('The rain in Spain', 'rain')
Output: 5
The SCAN() function scans str_expr1 for the
characters in str_expr2 and returns the position at which
str_expr2 begins. The characters in str_expr2
need not appear contiguously in str_expr1.