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G.2  Common Math Functions
Below are the math functions provided by sheerpower

The ABS() function returns the absolute value of a number.

print abs(-10) // Returns: 10 print abs(10) // Returns: 10

The ACOS() function returns the arccosine of a number.

print acos(1) // Returns: 0 print acos(0) // Returns: 1.5708 (pi/2)

The ASIN() function returns the arcsine of a number.

print asin(0) // Returns: 0 print asin(1) // Returns: 1.5708 (pi/2)

The ATAN() function returns the arctangent of a number.

print atan(0) // Returns: 0 print atan(1) // Returns: 0.7854 (pi/4)

The CEIL() function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.

print ceil(2.3) // Returns: 3 print ceil(-2.3) // Returns: -2

The COS() function returns the cosine of an angle.

print cos(0) // Returns: 1 print cos(1.5708) // Returns: 0 (approximately)

The EXP() function returns e raised to the power of a number.

print exp(1) // Returns: 2.7183 (approximately) print exp(0) // Returns: 1

The FLOOR() function returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.

print floor(2.7) // Returns: 2 print floor(-2.7) // Returns: -3

The LOG() function returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.

print log(1) // Returns: 0 print log(2.7183) // Returns: 1 (approximately)

The MIN() function returns the minimum value among its arguments.

print min(3, 2) // Returns: 2 print min(-1, -5) // Returns: -5

The POW() function returns a number raised to the power of another number.

print pow(2, 3) // Returns: 8 print pow(5, 2) // Returns: 25

The SIN() function returns the sine of an angle.

print sin(0) // Returns: 0 print sin(1.5708) // Returns: 1 (approximately)

The SQRT() function returns the square root of a number.

print sqrt(4) // Returns: 2 print sqrt(16) // Returns: 4

The TAN() function returns the tangent of an angle.

print tan(0) // Returns: 0 print tan(0.7854) // Returns: 1 (approximately, pi/4)

DIV0() Function

The DIV0() function divides two numbers and returns 0 if the divisor is 0.

print div0(0.8, 0.000004) // Returns: 200000 print div0(0.8, 0.0) // Returns: 0 print div0(6, 3) // Returns: 2 print div0(6, 0) // Returns: 0

FP() Function

The FP() function returns the fractional part of a number.

print fp(238.304) // Returns: 0.304

INT() Function

The INT() function returns the whole portion of a real number as a real number.

print int(148.8432) // Returns: 148

INTEGER() Function

The INTEGER() function converts a numeric expression to an integer value.

z = integer(4 + (993 * 35)) print z // Returns: 34759

IP() Function

The IP() function truncates the value of a real number at the decimal point and returns the integer portion.

print ip(1234.56) // Returns: 1234

MAX() Function

The MAX() function returns the larger of two values.

print max(5, 9) // Returns: 9

MIN() Function

The MIN() function returns the lesser of two values.

x = 43 y = 19 print min(x, y) // Returns: 19

MOD() Function

The MOD() function returns the remainder of one number divided by another.

print mod(36, 13) // Returns: 10

REAL() Function

The REAL() function converts a numeric expression to a REAL value.

input 'Your age': age% let decimal_age = real(age%) print 'Your number is'; decimal_age // Returns: Your age? 31 Your number is 31

REMAINDER() Function

The REMAINDER() function returns the remainder when one number is divided by another.

print remainder(-4, 3) // Returns: -1

RND() Function

SheerPower provides a simple and efficient way to generate random numbers using the rnd() function.


random_number = rnd(100)

This single line of code generates a random integer between 1 and 100, inclusive.

When you want to generate a random number within a specific range (e.g., 1 to 100), simply passing the upper limit of the range to rnd() is all you need. There's no need for additional calculations or adjustments.

Note: The rnd() function automatically starts at 1 and goes up to the number specified (inclusive), making it perfect for generating random numbers within a defined range.

The RND function (without any parameter) returns a random fraction. If a numeric expression is given as an argument, returns a whole number between one and the numeric expression.

Optionally, SET SEED NN statement can be used to specify a specific random sequence of NN, otherwise the sequence itself is chosen by a random system time event.

print rnd // Returns: 0.9409720199182629 (example) print rnd(100) // Returns 56 (example)

ROUND() Function

The ROUND() function rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places.

print round(21.83492, 2) // Returns: 21.83

TRUNCATE() Function

The TRUNCATE() function truncates a real number to a given number of decimal places.

print truncate(123.45678, 2) // Returns: 123.45 print truncate(123.45678, 4) // Returns: 123.4567

ABS() Function

The ABS() function returns the absolute value of a specified numeric expression.

print abs(-5) // Returns: 5

ACOS() Function

The ACOS() function returns the arccosine of a number.

print acos(.75) // Returns: 0.722734247813

ANGLE() Function

The ANGLE() function, given X and Y coordinates, returns the angle from 0,0 in radians.

print angle(4, 9) // Returns: 1.152571997216

ASIN() Function

The ASIN() function returns the arcsine of a number.

print asin(.3) // Returns: 0.304692654015

ATN() Function

The ATN() function returns the arctangent of a number.

print atn(33) // Returns: 1.540502566876

sheerpower includes a full set of common math functions. Most of these functions operate directly on sheerpower's REAL data type. Detailed explanations of each function can be found here.

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