Sheerpower Logo F.8  Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chat
Sheerpower includes an interface to AIs using its aichat$() function.

Format:> answer$ = aichat$(prompt [,wrap_it])
where prompt$ is either prompt text supplied to the AI, or a directive, such as providing your AI API KEY or starting a new chat conversation -- and wrap_it is TRUE to word-wrap the result.
%key xxxx, where xxxx is your API KEY. If not given, a default API KEY is used.
The %key directive also starts a new conversation with the AI. Any prior conversation is forgotten.
%new This starts a new conversation. Any prior conversation is forgotten.

Note: It can take up to 10 seconds to get a response from an AI chat request. API KEYS are available here. They might require a monthly fee from the provider of the keys.
prompt$ = 'output a table of the planets with only their names' answer$ = aichat$(prompt$, true) print answer$ print aichat$('add their sizes', true) // continue the conversation
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