Sheerpower Logo B.4  Looping
loop-related features
  • do/loop -- beginning and end of an infinite loop block
  • do/end do -- beginning and end of a one iteration loop block
  • exit do -- get out of a loop block
  • repeat do -- repeat the code within the loop block
  • while xxx -- where xxx evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, loops while xxx is true
  • until xxx -- where xxx evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, loops until xxx is true
Both while and until can occur anywhere within a loop and can occur more than once.
  • for varname = start_value to end_value / next varname
  • for varname = start_value to end_value step step_value / next varname
  • repeat for -- repeat the current iteration -- the varname is not adjusted
  • iterate for -- start the next iteration
  • exit for -- get out of this for/next block
The while and until statements can appear anywhere inside of a do/loop and can even appear multiple times with different conditions.

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