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B.4  Looping and FOR/NEXT
loop-related features
  • do/loop -- beginning and end of an infinite loop block
  • do/end do -- beginning and end of a one iteration loop block
  • exit do -- get out of a loop block
  • repeat do -- repeat the code within the loop block
  • while xxx -- where xxx evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, loops while xxx is true
  • until xxx -- where xxx evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, loops until xxx is true
Unlike most other computer languages, both while and until statements can occur anywhere within a loop, and can even appear multiple times with different conditions.

The DO/LOOP statement in Sheerpower creates a loop that repeatedly executes a block of code until a specified condition is met.

do line input #kj_ch, eof eof?: rec$ if eof? then exit do ! Other code loop

The DO statement starts the loop, which reads lines from a file. The exit do statement exits the loop if the end of the file (eof?) is reached. Otherwise, the loop continues.

The DO/LOOP statement can include conditions.

counter = 0 do while counter < 10 print counter counter++ loop

This loop executes while the condition counter < 10 is true. It prints the value of counter and increments it by 1 until the counter reaches 10.

The WHILE statement is used to create a loop that continues as long as a specified condition is true. It can be used within a DO/LOOP block.

counter = 0 do while counter < 10 print counter counter++ loop

This loop starts with DO and continues as long as counter < 10 is true. It prints the counter value and increments it by 1 each iteration.

The UNTIL statement is used to create a loop that continues until a specified condition becomes true. It can be used within a DO/LOOP block.

counter = 0 do print counter counter++ loop until counter = 10

This loop starts with DO and continues until counter = 10. It prints the counter value and increments it by 1 each iteration.

The EXIT DO statement is used to exit a loop prematurely based on a condition.

do line input #kj_ch, eof eof?: rec$ if eof? then exit do ! Other code loop

In this example, the loop reads lines from a file. If the end of the file (eof?) is reached, the exit do statement exits the loop.

The REPEAT DO statement restarts the loop from the beginning.

do line input #kj_ch, eof eof?: rec$ if eof? then exit do if some_condition then repeat do ! Other code loop

In this example, the loop reads lines from a file. If a condition is met, the repeat do statement restarts the loop from the beginning.

A given DO/LOOP block can contain any number of WHILE or UNTIL statements. You can also create a one-time loop using DO/END DO, which typically contains EXIT DO or REPEAT DO statements.

do if some_condition then exit do ! Other code end do

This example demonstrates a one-time loop using DO/END DO. The loop will execute once, and if a condition is met, it will exit using the EXIT DO statement.

The FOR/NEXT loop
  • for varname = start_value to end_value / next varname
  • for varname = start_value to end_value step step_value / next varname
  • repeat for -- repeat the current iteration -- the varname is not adjusted
  • iterate for -- start the next iteration
  • exit for -- get out of this for/next block
Explanation of the FOR Loop

The FOR loop in Sheerpower is used to iterate over a range of values. The syntax FOR i = start TO end sets up a loop where the variable i starts at start and increments by 1 on each iteration until it reaches end. To specify an increment or decrement value, use the optional STEP option.

Examples of the FOR Loop in Sheerpower
for i = 2 to 30 print i next i

This example sets up a FOR loop where the variable i starts at 2 and increments by 1 on each iteration until it reaches 30. The print i statement prints the value of i on each iteration.

To specify an increment or decrement value, use the optional STEP option.

for i = 10 to 20 step 4 print i next i

This example sets up a FOR loop where the variable i starts at 10 and increments by 4 on each iteration until it reaches 20. The print i statement prints the value of i on each iteration. The loop will print the values 10, 14, and 18.

To iterate the FOR statement from within the FOR/NEXT block, use the ITERATE FOR statement. To repeat the same iteration, use REPEAT FOR.

for i = 1 to 10 if i = 5 then iterate for print i next i

This example sets up a FOR loop from 1 to 10. If i equals 5, the iterate for statement skips the current iteration and continues with the next value of i. The loop will print all values from 1 to 10 except 5.

for i = 1 to 10 print i if i = 5 then repeat for next i

This example sets up a FOR loop from 1 to 10. If i equals 5, the repeat for statement restarts the current iteration, printing 5 repeatedly, causing an infinite loop at i = 5.

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