A.2 Designed for Building Large Business Applications
sheerpower was designed from the ground up specifically to build large
business applications with constantly evolving business rules. To support
this, sheerpower provides:
- Code compiling and linking speeds of over 500,000 source lines per second are typical.
- Code that is designed to work with future releases without any need for change.
- An optimized runtime engine designed for millions of complex operations per second.
- Language constructs that help developers focus on business rules.
sheerpower's use of internal caching and hinting, coupled with its assumption of
abundant RAM, allows it to deliver high-performance applications.
This design philosophy leverages modern hardware capabilities to
optimize efficiency, speed, and user experience, making sheerpower a
powerful choice for contemporary software development.
Speed of execution assumptions
- network access is slowest
- disk access is faster than network access
- memory access is faster than disk access
- computation is faster than memory access
For example, if we can reduce accessing the network by caching data in memory, we will do so.
Cost in Dollars Assumptions
- disk space is cheapest
- RAM is more expensive than disk space
- CPUs are more expensive than RAM
sheerpower was designed to be easy to write, easy to maintain, and easy to
debug. Professional developers can learn sheerpower in a matter of hours and
master it in a few weeks. Using sheerpower quickly becomes a lifestyle where
they rapidly implement business applications. This frees developers to focus
more on what they need to accomplish and less on how to accomplish it.
Advantages of sheerpower's Ultra-Fast Compile Speeds
- Rapid Iteration: Quickly make and test code changes, reducing development time.
- Instant Feedback: Immediate compilation results help identify and fix errors quickly.
- Enhanced Productivity: Less waiting time between code changes and
testing allows for more efficient workflows.
- Improved Debugging: Fast compile times enable frequent
testing and debugging, leading to more robust code.
- Greater Enjoyment: Quick turnaround in compiling and testing
makes the development process more enjoyable and less frustrating.
sheerpower is a procedural language. Its logic is easy to follow. Its
statements and routines are easy to read. They are designed to be very
readable - like reading a story. This reduces code maintenance costs.
sheerpower's runtime environment is highly scalable and extremely fast,
typically much faster than Python or PHP when manipulating string data or
performing database operations.