A "cluster template" is a cluster whose primary use is as a reference and not
for data storage itself. There may be standard variables that you want
multiple clusters to contain. For example, the standard address format which
includes address line 1, address line 2, city, state, zip code. This address
format will be used for the client, the user, and the company clusters. A
separate cluster for these variables can be set up as a TEMPLATE that can
then be embedded into other clusters. There will be no data stored in this
cluster template.
The example below shows the cluster "address" used as a template by other
cluster address: addr1$, addr2$, city$, state$, zip$ // cluster template
cluster client: client_id$, client_name$, cluster address
cluster user: login$, name$, cluster address, age
cluster company: company_name$, cluster address
client->city$ = 'San Diego'
Cluster templates also can be embedded into other clusters and used as JSON
OBJECTS by using the
prefix keyword as shown in the example below.
cluster address: addr1$, addr2$, city$, state$, zip$
cluster multi: ssn$, prefix cluster address, tax, is_okay?
add cluster multi
multi->ssn$ = '222-33-4444'
multi->address>city$ = 'Duluth'
multi->address->state$ = 'MN'
multi->tax = 45.678
multi->is_okay? = false
To store data into a cluster variable that is part of a JSON object, the
cluster name and the cluster template name must both be specified as shown
multi->name->first$ = 'Mister'
multi->name->last$ = 'Smith'
Adhoc JSON objects can be created without using embedded cluster templates.
When defining the cluster, specify the name of the object when describing the
variable. The example below will create an object named "address" that
describes the address variables to include.