A.3 Common Assumptions in SheerPower
Common Assumptions in SheerPower
When working with SheerPower, it's essential to be aware of certain
behaviors that might differ from other programming languages. Understanding
these can help make your coding experience smoother.
Minimal Code Philosophy
Assumption: Other languages may require more verbose code to
achieve certain functionality, such as initializing variables or setting
up loops and conditionals.
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower is designed with a philosophy of
minimalism and efficiency. The language encourages concise coding
practices, where unnecessary code (e.g., redundant variable declarations
or initializations) is avoided. This not only speeds up development but
also makes the code easier to read and maintain.
Default Data Type Behavior
Assumption: In many programming languages,
you must explicitly declare variables with a specific data type (e.g., integer, string, boolean)
before using them. Sheerpower supports this as well.
SheerPower Behavior: In SheerPower,
variables are automatically treated as REAL data types unless explicitly
declared otherwise. The REAL data type is highly versatile, capable of representing
numbers with up to 18 digits to the left of the decimal point and 16 digits to the right
with perfect precision.
This eliminates the need for most explicit declarations, simplifying code and reducing
potential errors. For the vast majority of applications, SheerPower's REAL data type is
sufficient for handling all numeric values, including both whole numbers and decimals.
As a result, it’s rarely necessary to declare a variable as an integer (`%`), as REAL
provides the precision and flexibility needed for accurate and efficient calculations.
Note: By default, SheerPower assumes that numeric variables are REAL, making it
easier to write clear, concise, and maintainable code without
worrying about data type declarations for most numeric operations.
To declare an array, use the dim
dim names$(20)
dim string areas(100)
Input Handling
Assumption: In some languages, capturing user input requires
specific functions or syntax that may be complex or require multiple
steps including data ype validation.
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower simplifies input handling with
the input
statement, which allows you to prompt the user, capture user input
directly, and validate the response, all in one step. This is particularly useful for interactive
applications, such as games or user-driven programs. For example:
input 'What is your country', default 'USA': county$
input 'Enter your age': age
Note: Note: The input
statement is flexible and can be
used to collect user input for any data type, whether it’s a string,
integer, or real number. This allows you to prompt users and directly
capture their responses in the appropriate format.
Routine Invocation
Assumption: In many programming languages, routines or functions
are called using specific syntax, often requiring parameters to be passed
in a particular order based on their position in the call. This can lead
to confusion and errors, especially in routines with multiple arguments.
SheerPower Behavior: In SheerPower, routines are invoked simply by
typing the routine's name, without needing special syntax or keywords like
. Parameters are passed by explicit name rather than by
position, making it clear which value corresponds to each parameter. This
approach enhances code readability, reduces errors, and simplifies the
process of calling routines, helping maintain clean and understandable code.
Note: Do not use CALL
before routine
names in SheerPower. This is a common assumption for those
transitioning from other languages, but in SheerPower, you should just
use the routine name directly.
Memory Management
Assumption: In many programming languages, memory management,
including allocation and deallocation, is a manual process that requires
careful handling by the programmer to avoid issues like memory leaks and
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower automatically manages memory
using internal caching and dynamic memory pools, which handle allocation
and deallocation without manual intervention. This reduces the risk of
memory-related errors and eliminates the need for a "garbage collector,"
which can cause unpredictable slowdowns. By avoiding garbage collection,
SheerPower ensures more consistent and predictable performance.
String Handling
Assumption: In many languages, strings are immutable, meaning
any modification creates a new string, which can lead to inefficiencies.
SheerPower Behavior: Strings in SheerPower are managed using
unique string IDs (SIDs) to avoid unnecessary copying and to enhance
performance, particularly in operations involving large volumes of data.
Compilation and Debugging
Assumption: Compilation and debugging can be time-consuming,
particularly with large codebases.
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower offers ultra-fast compilation
speeds, processing over 500,000 lines of code per second. This, combined
with its integrated debugging tools, provides immediate feedback,
including detailed error messages and performance metrics. This quick
feedback loop allows developers to swiftly identify and resolve issues,
making the debugging process more efficient and effective.
Windows Portability
Assumption: Code written in one Windows environment may face
challenges when being ported to another, often requiring significant
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower is designed to be highly portable,
with features like the @
symbol for relative file paths. When you
use '@' before a file path in SheerPower, it refers to the directory where
the program is currently running. This simplifies path management and ensures
that your code runs consistently across different Windows environments,
making it easier to move your program between systems without modification.
Mathematical Precision
Assumption: In many languages, mathematical operations involving
floating-point numbers can lead to inaccuracies, such as being off by a
penny or other fractional amounts, causing concerns in precise
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower's REAL data type is always
accurate, eliminating these issues and ensuring perfect precision in
mathematical operations, making it ideal for financial and other
applications where accuracy is crucial.
The Random Number Generator
Assumption: In some programming languages, you need to explicitly
initialize the random number generator before using it to generate random
SheerPower Behavior: SheerPower automatically initializes the
random number generator at the start of your program. There is no need to
call randomize
or any equivalent function, which simplifies
your code. Simply use the rnd()
function to generate random
fractions and random integers. To generate a random number from 1 to 100, you would:
mynumber = rnd(100)
By keeping these differences in mind, you can leverage SheerPower's
features more effectively and avoid common mistakes that might arise from
assumptions based on other programming languages.