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E.6  Enum Statement
The ENUM (enumerated) statement creates a cluster where each member is assigned a sequential number starting at one.

size(clustername,2) returns the number of members in the enum. ENUM is useful when making "state machines" and other situations where assigning sequence numbers to a series of variable names is desired.

Example: Traffic Light States

This example demonstrates how to use the Enum statement to define traffic light states and handle them using a Select Case statement.

Enum traffic_light: red, yellow, green current_state = traffic_light->yellow select case current_state case traffic_light->red print "Stop" case traffic_light->yellow print "Get Ready" case traffic_light->green print "Go" case else print "Unknown State" end select // number of members of the enum, three in this case print 'Number of members: '; size(traffic_light,2)


This example creates an Enum for traffic light states and uses a Select Case statement to print messages based on the current state of the traffic light. Each case corresponds to a different state defined in the enum.

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