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B.5  Arrays

In Sheerpower, arrays are one-origin by default, meaning the first element of an array is indexed as element number one. However, you can change this behavior to zero-origin by using the option base 0 statement.

The dim statement is used to define an array and its size. If you define an array with a size of zero, the array will automatically expand as needed.

dim ages(5) // five reals: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 dim names$(5) // five string elements. dim degrees(-50 to 100) // 151 elements from -50 to 100 dim dice(5) // five dice for idx = 1 to 5 dice(idx) = rnd(6) // assign each die a random number between 1 and 6 print 'dice#'; idx;' value '; dice(idx) next idx
Most arrays are single dimensioned. However, multi-dimensional arrays are supported. For example dim weekly_hours(7,24) which would represent 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

To increase the size of an existing array, let's say from 5 to 10 elements, use the redim statement. And in the example below, let's also use a variable max_ages to both determine the initial and new size of the array:
max_ages = 5 dim ages(max_ages) // five reals: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 max_ages = 10 redim ages(max_ages) // Now we have 10 elements

If we don't know how large of an array we need, the syntax for creating a dynamically expanding array is:
dim cash(0) // this is how we create a dynamically expanding array cash(0) = 10.99 cash(0) = 20.50 print 'Cash elements:';size(cash) print
Note: Although arrays are pretty easy to use, nowadays using cluster arrays is preferred since they are just as fast and easy to use and much more versatile. See Cluster arrays for details.

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