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D.2  Cluster Arrays
A cluster array contains rows and columns of data, like an in-memory spreadsheet.

In fact, cluster arrays can easily contain spreadsheet information. Because of this, Sheerpower includes a rich set of features to input spreadsheet files directly into clusters and perform operations on clusters including database-like operations such as sorting, including, excluding, and searching.

Now, let's make a cluster array to hold student information. For this, we will be using a cluster array called STUDENT. Each row of the cluster will be a different student. We will keep track of each student's name, age, and grade level:
cluster student: name$, age, level
The most common method to put data into a cluster is to add a new row to the end of the cluster using the ADD CLUSTER statement.
add cluster student student->name$ = "Joan Ark" student->age = 18 student->level = 12
The add cluster establishes a new cluster row. In this case, since the cluster was empty, this is row one. The next lines of code store information into each variable (think "column") of that cluster row. So, the name of the first student is "Joan Ark", she is 18 years old, and is at grade level 12.

Now, let's put in two more students.
add cluster student student->name$ = "John Smith" student->age = 16 student->level = 10 add cluster student student->name$ = "Desmond Jones" student->age = 15 student->level = 10
Directly after adding a new row, that row is said to be CURRENT. In this example, row three would be current.<
print student->name$ // "Desmond Jones" print student->age // 15 print student->level // 10
In order to print information about row one, you would first make row one current, and then access the variables in that row.
set cluster student: row 1 print student->name$ // Joan Ark
To find out how many rows are in a cluster, use the SIZE() function. SIZE(clustername,2) returns the number of members:
print size(student) // 3
To ask which row is current, use the ask cluster statement:
set cluster student: row 2 ask cluster student: row x print x // 2
When working with cluster arrays, we typically want to operate on each row, one at a time. To do this we can use the COLLECT and END COLLECT statements.

Let's print out the name, age, and grade level of each student and calculate their average age (total ages divided by number of students).
ages = 0 counter = 0 collect cluster student print student->name$, student->age, student->level ages = ages + student->age counter++ end collect print 'The average age is '; ages/counter
The COLLECT/END COLLECT iterates through each row of a cluster. While doing so, it creates a COLLECTION of rows. A collection can be a subset of the entire cluster array and can be sorted by various criteria. To iterate through a collection, use the FOR/NEXT statements. Let's sort the students by their name and print out the sorted list:
When the collect has completed, after the end collect statement, the special variable _collected will contain the number of rows in the collection.
collect cluster student sort by student->name$ end collect for each student print student->name$; ' '; student->age next student
We can also include or exclude students:
collect cluster student include student->age > 16 sort by student->name$ end collect for each student print student->name$; ' '; student->age next student
Any number of include, exclude, or sort statements can be used on a cluster array.

We can also search a cluster array for information using the findrow() function. Given the cluster name, cluster variable to search in, and data to be searched for, findrow() returns either the first row where the data was found or returns a zero if the data was not found. By default, findrow() does a case-regardless search.
print findrow(student->name$, "Joan Ark") // 1
The findrow() function is highly optimized. Over 10 million searches can be done per second. This makes findrow() ideal for tasks that require fast lookups. If the search is successful, the cluster array row is now current.

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