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F.8  JSON Related Functions
string$ = json$(clustername [,row_option]])
Given a cluster and optional row number, the JSON$() function generates the appropriate JSON string for the given cluster and row. If the row given is -1, all rows are returned.

The JSON$() function in Sheerpower is used to create JSON-formatted strings from Sheerpower cluster arrays. This function is particularly useful for creating JSON data to be used in web applications or for API communications.


The basic syntax of the JSON$() function is as follows:

string$ = JSON$(clustername [,row_option])

Given a cluster and an optional row number, the JSON$() function generates the appropriate JSON string for the given cluster and row. If the row given is -1, all rows are returned.


Example 1: Cluster Array

Convert a cluster array to a JSON string:

cluster person: id$, name$, age add cluster person person->id$ = "1" person->name$ = "Alice" person->age = 30 add cluster person person->id$ = "2" person->name$ = "Bob" person->age = 25 json_people$ = JSON$(person) print json_people$

This will produce the following JSON string:

[ {"id$":"1", "name$":"Alice", "age":30}, {"id$":"2", "name$":"Bob", "age":25} ]

Example 2: Nested Cluster Array

Convert a nested cluster array to a JSON string:

cluster address: street$, city$, zip$ cluster person: id$, name$, age, address->address add cluster person person->id$ = "1" person->name$ = "Alice" person->age = 30 person->address->street$ = "123 Main St" person->address->city$ = "Springfield" person->address->zip$ = "12345" add cluster person person->id$ = "2" person->name$ = "Bob" person->age = 25 person->address->street$ = "456 Elm St" person->address->city$ = "Shelbyville" person->address->zip$ = "67890" json_people$ = JSON$(person) print json_people$

This will produce the following JSON string:

[ {"id$":"1", "name$":"Alice", "age":30, "address":{"street$":"123 Main St", "city$":"Springfield", "zip$":"12345"}}, {"id$":"2", "name$":"Bob", "age":25, "address":{"street$":"456 Elm St", "city$":"Shelbyville", "zip$":"67890"}} ]

The JSON$() function is versatile and can handle complex data structures, making it a powerful tool for developers working with web technologies and APIs in Sheerpower.

cluster name: first$, last$ cluster multi: ssn$, prefix cluster name, tax, is_okay?
When the JSON$() function is called, it will output a JSON formatted string showing
each row and object within the cluster.


The basic syntax of the jsonutil$() function is as follows:

json_result$ = jsonutil$(json_input$ [, json_pointer$])

Where json_input$ is the JSON string to be processed, and json_pointer$ is an optional parameter that defines the specific value to be extracted using JSON Pointer syntax.


Example 1: Extracting a Value

Extract a specific value from a JSON string:

json_data$ = '{"name":"Alice","age":30}' name$ = jsonutil$(json_data$, '/name') print name$

This will output:


Example 2: Checking if a Key Exists

Check if a specific key exists in a JSON string:

json_data$ = '{"name":"Alice","age":30}' exists? = jsonutil$(json_data$, '/name') <> '' print exists$

This will output:


Example 3: Extracting All Keys

Extract all keys from a JSON string:

json_data$ = '{"name":"Alice","age":30}' keys$ = jsonutil$(json_data$, '') print keys$

This will output:


Example 4: Converting JSON to a Cluster Array

Convert JSON data into a Sheerpower cluster array:

cluster person: name$, age json_data$ = '[{"name":"Alice","age":30},{"name":"Bob","age":25}]' jsonutil$(json_data$, 'to_cluster:person') for each person print person->name$, person->age next person

This will output:

Alice 30 Bob 25

The jsonutil$() function provides a versatile way to work with JSON data in Sheerpower, enabling easy extraction, manipulation, and conversion of JSON data into formats suitable for further processing within Sheerpower programs.

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