Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, Database Access, Declaring Variables, and Comments
First and foremost, have fun when programming with sheerpower. It is fast. It is intuitive.
1. Variable Names
In sheerpower, variable names must start with a letter and can include letters, numbers, the underscore ("_"), and an embedded dollar sign ("$"). Names are case-insensitive, meaning Account is the same as AccOUNT. By convention, if a variable name consists of multiple words, each word is separated by an underscore.
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code demonstrates variable naming conventions in sheerpower.
2. Primitive Data Types
sheerpower supports several primitive data types:
Real: A number with up to 18 digits to the left of the decimal and 16 to the right. sheerpower's Perfect Precision Math ensures exact arithmetic operations, eliminating rounding errors.
String: Used to store characters, such as a person's name or city name.
Integer: A whole number without fractional digits.
Boolean: A logical value of true (1) or false (0).
Dynamic: Can be any data type and adjusts its data type according to use.
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code demonstrates how to declare variables of different data types in sheerpower and how they can be used in your programs.
3. Database Access
In sheerpower, database access is expressed using the table_name(field_name) syntax. This makes sheerpower immune to SQL injection attacks. Let's see how database access works in sheerpower.
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. The first line fetches the current payroll table record, locks it if needed, extracts the salary field, and prints its contents. The second line updates the salary field to 1234.56. The third line prints the updated salary.
4. Declaring Variables
You can declare variables in sheerpower using the declare keyword. This helps to define the data type of the variable and ensures that it is used correctly throughout your program.
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code demonstrates how to declare variables of different types and use them in your programs.
5. Defining Constants
You can define constants in your code using the const keyword. Constants cannot be accidentally changed once defined.
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code defines a constant for the speed of light and prints it.
6. Declaring Default Output Formatting
You can declare a default output format for variables using the declare format statement. This ensures that when the variable is printed, it always uses the specified format.
tax_rate = 5.5
fullname$ = 'Sally Sue'
is_wonderful? = true
counter% = 50
declare real price
declare string product_name$
declare integer quantity%
declare boolean in_stock?
declare dynamic misc_data
price = 19.99
product_name$ = "Widget"
quantity% = 100
in_stock? = true
misc_data = "Sample text"
print product_name$; " costs $"; price; " and we have "; quantity%; " in stock."
print payroll(salary)
payroll(salary) = 1234.56
print payroll(salary)
declare dynamic answer
declare real inches
declare string address$
declare integer frogs%
declare boolean is_great?
inches = 55.6
print inches
const speed_of_light_mps = 299_792_458
print "The speed of light is "; speed_of_light_mps; " meters per second."
declare format '$%.2m' cash
cash = 123456.7
print 'The value is: '; cash
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code declares a variable with a custom format and prints it with the specified formatting.
7. Custom Data Types
Custom data types can be defined in sheerpower using the type keyword. After being defined, custom data types can be used in place of any primitive data type, improving code readability and maintainability.
tax_rate = 5.5
fullname$ = 'Sally Sue'
is_wonderful? = true
counter% = 50
declare real price
declare string product_name$
declare integer quantity%
declare boolean in_stock?
declare dynamic misc_data
price = 19.99
product_name$ = "Widget"
quantity% = 100
in_stock? = true
misc_data = "Sample text"
print product_name$; " costs $"; price; " and we have "; quantity%; " in stock."
print payroll(salary)
payroll(salary) = 1234.56
print payroll(salary)
declare dynamic answer
declare real inches
declare string address$
declare integer frogs%
declare boolean is_great?
inches = 55.6
print inches
const speed_of_light_mps = 299_792_458
print "The speed of light is "; speed_of_light_mps; " meters per second."
declare format '$%.2m' cash
cash = 123456.7
print 'The value is: '; cash
type money format '$%.2m'
declare refund money
refund = 123456.728
print 'Your refund is: '; refund
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code defines a custom data type for money and uses it to format and print a refund amount.
8. Comments in Your Code
Comments in your code help explain the logic and make it easier for others (or yourself in the future) to understand what your code does. Comments are ignored by sheerpower, so they don't affect how the program runs.
tax_rate = 5.5
fullname$ = 'Sally Sue'
is_wonderful? = true
counter% = 50
declare real price
declare string product_name$
declare integer quantity%
declare boolean in_stock?
declare dynamic misc_data
price = 19.99
product_name$ = "Widget"
quantity% = 100
in_stock? = true
misc_data = "Sample text"
print product_name$; " costs $"; price; " and we have "; quantity%; " in stock."
print payroll(salary)
payroll(salary) = 1234.56
print payroll(salary)
declare dynamic answer
declare real inches
declare string address$
declare integer frogs%
declare boolean is_great?
inches = 55.6
print inches
const speed_of_light_mps = 299_792_458
print "The speed of light is "; speed_of_light_mps; " meters per second."
declare format '$%.2m' cash
cash = 123456.7
print 'The value is: '; cash
type money format '$%.2m'
declare refund money
refund = 123456.728
print 'Your refund is: '; refund
// This is a single-line comment
! This is another single-line comment using an exclamation mark
const pi = 3.14159 // Define the constant pi
radius = 10
area = pi * radius * radius
print "The area of the circle is "; area
Instructions: Click the COPY button above to paste the code into the text area, and then click RUN to execute the code. This code includes comments to explain what each part of the program does.
In this lesson, you've learned about variable names, primitive data types, database access, declaring variables, defining constants, and using comments in sheerpower. These are fundamental concepts that will help you write clear, efficient, and maintainable code. Keep practicing to master these concepts!
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