F.7 Extracting Numbers From Text -- Strings to Reals
real = val(string$ [,integer_index][,string_options])
The VAL() function is used to convert a string into a real number.
By default, it will raise an exception if the input string does not
contain a purely numeric representation.
When the index is 0,
it also expects the input string to consist entirely of
a numeric representation. However, it never raises an exception. Instead the
special variable "_integer" is set to 0 and can be tested after the call.
If you use a non-zero index, VAL() will attempt to extract the Nth
number from the string. Again, after the function call,
the special variable "_integer"
will be set to zero if no valid number is found in the string.
print val("123.45") + 1000
x$ = '123abc'
print val(x$, 0)
print _integer
print val(x$, 1)
a$ = "There were 11 cats, each had $10,000.56"
cat_count = val(a$, 1) // extracts the 11
pocket_money = val(a$, 2) // extracts 10000.56
a$ = 'We bought 3 tickets. It was -5 degrees outside, We spent 150.34. (858) 829-9506.'
print a$
for i = 1 to 999
num = val(a$, i)
if _integer = 0 then exit for
print i, num
next i
The options help parse strings where the numeric is ambiguous such
as val("123,234.56", 1, 'sep=","') where the number we want is part of a
comma delimited string. This would result in the number 123.
However, val("123,234.56", 1) would result in the number 123234.56
Options are:
- sep -- the characters are separators ", "
- ignore -- Ignore the characters "@#"
- neg -- characters indicating a negative number "()"
- euro -- characters part of european currency ",."
print val("123,234.56", 1, 'sep=","')
print val("123,234.56", 1)
a$ = "The invoice showed (5.612,34) credit"
opt$ = 'neg="()",euro=",."' // handle () for negative and Euros
print val(a$, 1, opt$)