P.2 A Simple Calculator
A Simple Calculator
This is a simple interactive calculator. The code follows, and following that is
a detailed explanation. Feel free to copy this code nd modify it.
// Simple Calculator in sheerpower
// Get user input for the first number
input "Enter the first number": num1
// Get user input for the operation
input "Enter the operation (+, -, *, /)": operation$
// Get user input for the second number
input "Enter the second number": num2
// Perform the calculation based on the operation
if operation$ = "+" then
result = num1 + num2
elseif operation$ = "-" then
result = num1 - num2
elseif operation$ = "*" then
result = num1 * num2
elseif operation$ = "/" then
// Check for division by zero
if num2 = 0 then
print "?? Error: Division by zero is not allowed!"
iterate do
result = num1 / num2
end if
print "?? Invalid operation! Please enter one of +, -, *, /."
iterate do
end if
// Display the result
print "The result is: "; result
// Ask the user if they want to perform another calculation
input "Do you want to perform another calculation? (yes/no)": yn$
if ucase$(yn$) <> "Y" then
exit do
end if
print "Thank you for using the calculator!"
1. Input Handling: The program prompts the user to enter two numbers and an arithmetic operation.
2. Operation Execution: It checks which operation the user selected and performs the corresponding calculation.
3. Division by Zero: The program includes a check to ensure that the user does not divide by zero, which would cause an error.
4. Looping: After displaying the result, the program asks the user if they want to perform another calculation. If the user says "yes," the program continues; otherwise, it exits.
5. End of Program: The program ends with a thank you message.